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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Turbos on FTP

Man, I always hated Full Tilt's Turbo SNGs, just because they go so fast.
Basically, regular SNGs on FTP are like Turbos on Stars, and I guess Tubos on FTPs are like.....super Turbos?

Anyways, I hadn't played in a while so I fired up an 18-man Turbo SNG on FTP while watching Nouvelle Star on TV.
I promised myself I would only multi-table when playing SNGs but my laptop's screen is too smallish for that. I'll try to six-table again very soon on my 22".

Blinds go up so fast in FTP Turbos that if you don't catch cards, it's pretty much over.
Luckily for me, I did and had quite a rush to the top on the bubble.
At one point I was towering over everybody else with 11k compared to 3k for the others. After a couple of eliminitations, the guy second in chips (now 6k) started getting aggressive in position. He raised my blinds to 900 (blinds 150/300) maybe 3 out of 4 times and I couldn't wait to catch a hand.

So I look down at 99 (yay) and I pray for him to raise my SB, and of course he does!
I push so fast and he insta-calls....UPS!
He showed me the worst possible hand, 1010 argghh. Of course he flops another 10 for good measure and I go down to 3rd in chips ITM. From there on I am forced to gamble and shove AQ vs KJ...I do flop the Q, but the 9 on the turn gives him a straight to bust me in 3rd.

In retrospect I am very happy with my play. Considering I shoved KK preflop vs a short stack right before my 99 hand, I was expecting some respect but obviously didn't get it.
Ah well, I ran very well, catching a set, flopping two pairs. I would have loved to win that but that shows you again that it only takes one hand.

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