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Monday, July 14, 2008

Another live game, another early exit

We played a 7-man live game last night with $10 BI.
However, the pool was only $60 as one girl couldn't afford it 0.o so if she won anything, she could only win $10 max. Good enough I guess.

I ommitted my golden rule again, I tried to bluff a newbie LOL. That was probably the only bad play on my part that night. Basically we were in the blinds and I limpd with A9 and she had A6.
The flop came xx6 and the turn another 6 for her trips. I bet every street and basically got pwned, since I really believed she was weak.

I then proceeded to get outdrawn pretty much every big pot I was in.
At one point I was heads up with 62 on a 6K6 board. I value bet my way to the river only for it to show a King! I was completely disgusted as he bet quick, and my value bets were made on the basis he had made a pair of kings on the flop anyways. Truly sickening.

Then against that same guy, we have AT vs A7 on a AKxT board. I value bet him as much as I can, but the river falls K again which counterfeits my second pair and we both show down AAKKT. I puke.

I then decide to limp with 2d3d to see a flop of 236 rainbow. I bet the pot and only one person calls. Turn is 5 I bet. River check/call and he shows 35o. GG.

After all this I lost pretty much half my stack when I finally pick up AA in the big blind.
I get heads-up with the same guy and on a board of xxQK that I hope he hit I shove and he calls with AK to double me up. Good, since I knew he'd call my shove with anything, including a weak Q.
Too bad another player folded their flush draw, I could have tripled up there.

Then we lost 2 other players and the blinds go up very fast. I just can't catch cards or hit a flop.
I did get AcJc which missed the flop in a 5-way pot. Too bad, should have shoved preflop.
Also got 88 where I also should have pushed but decided to limp. The turn did me in.

After a while I get short stacked and shove a raiser with 88 vs AK and he flops K, good game.

I am a little disappointed with my finish but I think I played very well except for that busted bluff. Till next game...


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