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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A little poker while watching movies

I watched several movies this week end.
Among them Juno (acclaimed), Alien vs. Predator Requiem, Bienvenue Chez les Ch'tis (critically acclaimed) and Supersize Me, which I have already seen before.

Well, except for Supersize Me which is a pretty fun movie, the rest pretty much sucked lol.
Juno is more of a made-for-tv movie, and AVP and Ch'tis just bombed. But guess what the good news is? They are good for playing poker since I tend not to the follow the storyline after a while.

Speaking of poker I played two SNGs on Stars and I finished 1st and 2nd respectively, good for $16. It's a good comeback from my disastrous live game, which I hope we will do again next week-end.
Not much interesting as far as hands go, I mainly went back to my roots, playing tight, and limping maybe 20% of my small blinds. I think it's working well right now, I realize that limping costs a lot of chips in the long run and forces me to shove earlier than I'd like.

I won't play tomorrow night since I have my last basketball game at 8pm. I have to say I am relieved that the season is over and we didn't make the playoffs.
It's been exhausting, and it was a commitment I shouldn't have made, I have so much other shit to take care of.

good night. I took a day off tomorrow.


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