I love PokerStars for one reason, they give you tournament summaries (they email them to you when u ask) so that you can include them in PokerTracker. And it's great thing because in FT you had to input the results manually.
But I think Full Tilt just outdid PS, barely LOL.
I was browsing through the HH folder of Full Tilt, and noticed some Summaries text files! wohoooo! I think one of the recent updates (btw, WHEN will poker sites give release notes about the updates so we know what they do!?) added that feature and it's great.
It's cool because unlinke PS you don't have to download them, but it lacks the names of the players that finished ahead of you in the tournament. Since I am guessing it is generated right after you bust, and not when you close the tourney lobby.
Anyway, for now only PokerTracker 3 can read those files and I am anxiously waiting for it.
I actually installed it but I don't have a registration code yet.
On a side note, my work internet has been holding up good so I decided to play a $1 Turbo SNG on Tilt and was running good early on. I turned a full house, flopped a straight and would have turned another full house if not for a big c-bet against my smallish pocket pair.
I did get some value for those hands, but unfortunately, they didn't have much.
But then the CL raises 3xBB and I pick up AQ and me and another player call with me in position.
Flop AK7 they both check. I pot bet about 800, and CL raises me really quick. His range was so wide there, from AT to AK. I decide to call which commits me and we both shove the turn.
He shows 77, GG. Too bad, I was playing well until then.
After lunch I might launch a $1 45-man so I will have something to do for this afternoon :)
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