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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

2nd in an 18-man SNG on PokersStars

I played this morning and it didn't start well.

I was able to accumulate chips and be the chip leader at my table, however, someone walked in, asking me to fix a printer and that kind of tilted me a little LOL.
The issue was a non-issue and I missed maybe 10 hands. The worst one being AK in position, and I would have turned broadway vs the lower straight....Sad....He shipped it too....Oh....I love the new PokerStars Hand Replayer by the way.

I love having the chip lead. That allows me to call shorter stacks' all-ins without breaking a sweat. This is standard preflop...until the river. You can't teach that!

I tried to bluff the river by making a bet and he called. Only to shower a weaker Ace.
I guess my CL image played a part there, people don't give me enough credit for a big hand.
But in his defense, his read was 'somewhat' correct, I had nothing so I should be more careful next time. A well-timed reraise from him would have gotten me off the hand ASAP.

More bad beats. This guy took the lead from me at the final table and never looked back.
Little did I know that I was gonna lose to him heads-up...when I should have busted him right there for the monstruous stack.
Back in the day I would have never had the guts to reraise preflop with AQ (just call) but I feel it is the right thing to do know, be the aggressor preflop, and if he misses the flop, that pot will be mine.

Standard bustout hand. This was the second heads-up hand and I think he called because I shoved the first hand with AT and he folded. No I wasn't trying to bully, just double up because he had a 2-to-1 lead on me. He obviously gambled with one overcard and got the win.

By the way, there are soooo many posts online about Full Tilt's crashes/lags because of the FTOPS. It's been a complete nightmare so far and players are asking for refunds out of their tournament buy-ins. I wouldn't want to be deep in a tournament or high-stakes hand right now.
Anyways, it's been down for a few hours now and we still don't know when it will be back, even the Full Tilt website was down for a while.

PokerStars has a lot of experience for himself in large fields. Their network holds up even with the weekly Sunday Million and the titanic WCOOP Main Event.


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