EDIT: that was a post from thursday but it didn't publish.
Today has just been awful, cash games, SNGs, whatever.
I couldn't make a hand hold in PLO cash...let's say I bet pot with trips on the flop he always gets his open ender on the turn and I am already committed at that point.
Then I crashed in SNGs on FPT and Stars, the last one being the worse.
I was the chip leader during the first part of the tournament then I run AK vs 88 and miss. After that it's A6 vs Q7 and he flops the Queen.
After that I was all-in with QJ vs A8 and the flop comes AAQ, what gives?
Otherwise I see an idiot with AQ vs 55 and he runner-runners a flush to save his sorry ass.
Right now everything about poker is tilting me like crazy. Either I am getting outplayed or I can't win a damn flip it's so frustrating.
I will stop playing for the week and try to rethink my game a bit.
Lately there have been a few spots where I had the feeling I was good and folded to a bet when I was in fact ahead, I guess my confidence has been shaken quite a bit.
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