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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The worst poker night of my life

April 1st is over, but it still feels like the joke is on me, as I am running absolutely horrible.
So far this month, I am about even online but still feel like I should be up a bundle more, if I didn't have Aces cracked or QQ getting called AIPF vs Jh5h (for his whole $5 stack!) and the dude hitting a backdoor flush.

But tonight really tops it all because I have a really sick feeling to my stomach.
In a live SNG with $10 BI, I was the clear chip leader with 7 left and kept doubling up the short stacks with gems like these.

AA vs K8, board reads 64523
99 vs 22, he rivers a 2
KQ vs K8, he turns a flush
AK vs KQ vs 99, the board is rags

What can I do seriously? Even with that last double up, I think I was even or ahead in all of them, so there is not much I can do anymore.
After all this, the shorter stack (which I doubled 3 times) was the runaway chip leader as I left shortly after busting, a meaningless A3 vs AT which fizzled...against that same guy obviously.

Even through all this, I think I got respect from everybody at the table since they all acknowled I was just running bad.

It just sucks to lose.


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