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Monday, September 1, 2008

An offer I could not refuse

I could not quite keep my promise of not playing for the rest of the week.
A friend messaged me and told me about a game at his friend's house for a $5 BI so I immediately said yes! I am so freaking weak.

Anyways it was only the 6 of us and I have never met any of the other guys, so no knowledge of their play whatsoever.
I was happy to learn that all of them (save for my friend) were all pretty new to the game so that gave us an edge from the get go.
The flow of the game was pretty much the same as all the other live games I've played so far. A lot of light limping, calling and pretty much no raising at all, to the point where it felt I was just playing Limit Hold'em. I probably only saw less than 10 raises preflop (except from preflop shoves).

The buy-in was $5 and the prizes were $15, $10, and $5 for the first 3.
We had the not-so-clever idea of doubling the blinds for each 15mins levels, and I knew from the start it would not be a good idea.
Basically we started at 1k/2k with about 400k stacks each (yes the chip numering ranged from 500 to 25k).
We went at it for more than an hour and ended with 128k/256k blinds LOL.
And I am telling you this because I went heads-up with one guy and won. To the hands:

- We have a paired board of A8xxx and the two players in the hand show AA and 88 on the river for two full houses and AA doubles up, sick.

- SS shoves me T4 blind and I wake up with KK to bust him.

- I have T4 in the SB and BB only has 2.5BB left so I push and he calls with Kx and flops a King. He would up doubling up a few times again to challenge me heads-up.

- I have 85 and flop is 448 and I shove, he folds.

- He doesn't have much left and I shove A7 and he calls with 66. Flop comes an amazing 6x7.
I am ready to give him my chips (would have made us even stacks) but the cards come running clubs to put four clubs on board and I show Ac obviously LOL. Victory!

We then played another game and nothing came up really. I won a few big pots to grab the chip lead early and blinded out the rest of the way to go out in 5th.
I shoved Kc5c and got called by AhKh and bricked. Well it was already 6pm by that time and I was UTG at 30k/60k with just 270k left. I swear if it was not that late (had to pick up my girlfriend for dinner) I would have waited for a better spot to push. But I did it anyway and got punished, but good thing AK was my friend and he grabbed the lead with my chips so hopefully he won. ;)

I was also pretty happy with the read I put on my friend in this one play. He raised preflop and got heads-up with some other guy on a J-high board. They both pushed and his opponent showed a weak Jack for top pair. I told my friend "show me your pocket Queens"....and he did lol. Too bad reads aren't worth chips :D.

I am up $5 for the night and I am happy with my play.
Overall I nice group of guys and a very relaxed atmosphere, I am very happy I made the trip there.


EDIT: Got an update from my friend and it turns out he won the last game pretty handily, congrats to him!

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