Hey there, sorry haven't updated in a while.
I played 2 SNGs last night simulatenously on Stars and it went good....almost very good if not for a late collapse.
The first SNG I picked up KK the first hand and busted a nut-flush drawer when I shoved and got called on the turn to bust him. Then a few hands later I picked up 22 and call a raise and flop trips.
I got it all-in against KK and held. I picked up AA once too I think.
I was up to 4500 very early but bubbled the thing when I tried to bully around the shorties and doubled them a few times. My demise was when I raised AT and got called.
Flop was 477 and I just hoped he had none of it (we were even stacks) so I shoved first and he called with A7. GG.
The second SNG I doubled with KK as well early AIPF vs JJ I think, don't remember.
I ended up second and the heads-up portion was a bore. We were exchanging leads and suckouts because the blinds were so huge so it was a shove fest which went on for a long time.
I finally tried to steal with J4 and he called with a King which held.
Meh, only +1BI for the night when it could have been muuucchh better.
Since I'm on a two weeks vacation I might try to play some tourneys at night we'll see, but if I play SNGs, I will play at least 2-3 to keep busy.
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