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Monday, September 8, 2008

A few hands of SNGs, NLHE and PLO cash.

The good read, wrong result.
I had to go with it because the blinds just went up to 150/300 and had I folded I would have had only 4 BBs left so, here's to Chris Ferguson. Too bad he caught me on the river.

Loosening up early.
I swear, honest, before the flop I told myself that it's been a long time since I flopped a monster and how cool it would be to have a AQJ flop.

Sick, sick hand I tell ya.

Not what I was hoping for but it works. I kind of knew I was beat and somewhat expected him to show AK but I had a bunch of outs to save my ass.

OH MY F***ING GOD. And I highly doubt that shoving the flop/turn would have made any difference.

Instant off-tilt from this hand. I jumped into this game just to recoup my losses from a previous NLHE cash game session where I had AK and called every bet on a TTT88 board and he showed 99. I think I played this PLO hand perfect, but don't pay attention to the stupid river bet, I misclicked lol. What's funnier it's that, that was the first hand I was dealt!


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