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Thursday, July 31, 2008

July = meh

July is over and I'm glad with it.
Poker has been really bland lately, haven't really felt the urge to play since I've got a lot of other stuff going on around me right now.
And when I did play I was either spewing chips, being impatient (playing turbo donkaments) and donking off.

Right now I am up on Stars and down a little on Full Tilt (due to me not playing Full Tilt for a while, but that might change soon).

I have come close to a big cash in the very few MTTs I have been playing but alas, it was not to be. I do feel though that my MTT game is better than my SNG game, just because I've been (for some reason) very bad on bubbles and MTT bubbles are much easier to burst.

How many times have I lost a ton of chips on a SNG bubble to barely get ITM? If a few of those cashes had been wins, July would have been great!

Meh, I'm still up, right?


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