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Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Man I really love multi-tabling, it's fun.

I fired up 6 SNGs last night, a mix of 6-man, 9-man and 18-man and I think it went very well.
Honestly 6-tabling is not hard at all, it only gets a little tricky when I start chatting with people and take screenshots of incredible hands LOL. Hopefully one day, I will have seen so much incredible shit in my lifetime that I won't even bother with screenshots of a one-outer XD.
Also, I don't get shorthanded on all the tables (usually bustout) so orbits are not really short and you have a lot of time to reflect on your decisions. Now on to the bustout hands I can remember:

- I raise 3xBB with QQ and get called by the huge CL. flop is 753 and I bet, he raises me REALLY quick and I had a bad feeling of trips. I shoved and he showed me 75 for top two. Mmmmm I'll raise more preflop next time. But since we were shorthanded I really wanted action, but unfortunately I got more than I wanted.

- Shorstacked on the bubble with another VERY short stack that was surely gonna bust IF I waited a little longer. Unfortunately I pick up AK, and I tell myself that I can't possibly fold this hand. So I shove the CL preflop and he thinks and calls with JT. Too bad, he flops a T and I bust on the bubble. Mistake?

- We reach the money and I just doubled through the leader and we now share the lead. I shove his BB from the SB with AT thinking that he wouldn't risk an elimination given I just won a big showdown with him the hand before....WRONG. He calls with KQ and rivers a K to bust me. That hand really hurt me because I would have had about 13k in chips compared to the remaining 3k and 4k or so.

- The last one I remember was irrelevant. I was short with about 5 remaining and shoved with a club flush draw and miss.

One very funny hand was when I was short at the final table of the 18-man with JsTs.
I limp and get an ace-high flop with two diamonds. The guy checks to me and I was SURE that he didn't have an ace (he'd bet the flop to prevent flushes) so I shove him with the few chips I have left. He thinks and calls to show 5d2d LOL. He misses his flush and I win with JACK HIGH.
Hopefully I didn't get flamed on in the chat room, and I am surprised nobody said anything.

I ended the night with very little profit but at least I got some fun out of it :D

Alright guys, I don't think I'll be able to play tonight, I have this basketball game at 20h15 and I will probably get home at 22h15 or so.

Take care.


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