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Friday, May 16, 2008

I am so stupid, thank god!

Last night while watching Nouvelle Star I wanted to register for a $5 45-man SNG. When I got in, only 18 where registered, needless to say it took a while for it to fill up so I closed it and got into a $5 18-man SNG instead. So I start playing, and suddenly this other window pops up....and I am like, WTF??? Then I realized I forgot the unregister for the 45-man and was now left with two tables of $5 STTs....while watching TV, and being sick from a cold.

However, things went very well, I picked my spots and didn't get involved early in big pots.
I was able to flop a set and river a full house on the 45-man in a three handed play and tripled to 2nd place on the leaderboard with about 16 left which was great.
After that I had some memorable suckout, especially when we got ITM. Q4 vs QT and I spiked a 4. 88 vs 99 and I spiked an 8, great stuff. Unfortunately that didn't last and I was busted in 5th place for only $14.

On the 18-man I think I played pretty solid.
The only mistake I made was 4-handed while 2nd in chips. From the button folded to me, and blinds at 200-400 I shove AQ just to steal, but the BB instacalls with AK and flops AxK.
It probably doesn't matter whether I pushed or not because I was gonna do it on the flop anyway with that board.
Then that guy just starts running like god man! He rivers a straight AIPF-ATC with T7, flops a set, gets KK, and he went from short stack to second in chips.
Finally I was forced to go all-in with the huuuge blinds and bust in 4th for $9.

So I am surprised I made it this far in both and I will definitely play the $5 STTs again.


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