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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Number 3

I am downloading Windows XP Service Pack 3 at work right now, and I can't wait to get home and try it on, see what kind of speed "improvements" Microsoft has in store for us.

Soon will also come out Firefox 3 and I am also excited about this one as maybe millions of people are. Thank god this one doesn't weigh 350megs lol.

Finally, PokerTracker 3 will be out on May 15th after it was pushed back for a couple of weeks.
I am happy this is finally here as I can't wait to try on the new features and sleek look (PT2 just looks god-awful). More importantly, that will encourage me to wipe out my old stats (they aren't so good) and give me a new challenge from now on. Play more hands and have a ROI of at least 30% in tourneys/SNGs is what I will strive for.

The live game is TONIGHT, and it starts at 9pm weeeeee!
I have no clue how this is gonna go but I will go home today, skip the gym and get some sleep to be ready and clear my head. Basketball game went to overtime last night and we won 56-52 so that was good, but I am tired and my legs are dead.

Among other things, Lakers vs Jazz game 2 is today at 16h30 and I am praying for the Lakers and my man Kobe to go up 2-0 on Utah.
Also, the live game will make me miss Nouvelle Star on TV, but poker comes first, sorry LOL.
Especially since the past performances failed to convince me, I really think the singers did better during the first two weeks of the competition, now they are just bleh.
I might just skip this prime and look up the results online haha.

Wish me luck!


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